Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome to my musings...and Happy Anniversary!!

I decided to start a blog in honor of a very important anniversary. This month, September 2014, is the 20th anniversary of when I started reading romance. 20 years of happily ever-afters, dreamy heroes, and sassy heroines that I always tried to see a little of myself in. To quote George R.R. Martin, (who doesn’t write happily ever-afters…umm, those poor Starks), “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” Well I’ve lived about four thousand lives and I’m not stopping any time soon. Over the years people have made fun of my reading choices. We’ve heard them all…”they’re so cliché,” “they have no plot,” “they aren’t reality,” or my favorite, “mommy porn.” I just ignore them and keep reading, inwardly feeling sorry for them. Don’t they realize what they are missing out on? It’s a guaranteed happy ending. Even the angstiest romance will put a smile on your face at the end when that couple gets together. With all the nonsense that goes on in reality, don’t you want to escape into a story that can make you laugh, cry, have hot flashes, maybe even snort, and root for a fictional couple that, by the end of the book, seems so real they could walk off the page?

The goal of my blog is to celebrate all things romance. Reviews, lamenting on how I’m not writing, and anything that pops into my head, since it’s my blog and I can do what I want! I will try to be funny and not long winded (this post is a poor example of that)…not that anyone will see it because I’m probably only talking to myself over here. So let’s see if I actually keep this up…fingers crossed!

And just a warning…I love exclamation points!!!

Happy Reading


  1. Ha! Sounds good to me. I'm following!

    1. Thanks for reading and I will try my hardest to be funny! :)

  2. You are not talking only to yourself, Stephanie :) I've been reading romance among other things for 21 years, and not going to stop anytime soon. So, happy anniversary, sister! Among the snotty judgement my favorite is "it's for sexually unsatisfied housewives", but all of these just make me sneer and snap back at people's ignorance. Penny led me to your blog, and you have a new follower :)

    1. Thanks for following :) And I totally agree. Romance novels make people happy so I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to read them!
